Friday, July 11, 2008

Kung Fu Panda and Super Franks

Today I took Sophia to her first movie in the Cinema. It was crowded and people kept coming into the movie (they werent leaving and coming back, the were just coming in) and the popcorn was bitterly salty, but sophia had lots of fun. she has been asking to back ever since we stepped outside the theater! i learned that you should never dump one of those crystal lite on the go things into your water if you take the kid to movies solo. since the popcorn was so stinking salty, instead of not eating it, i chose downing the crystal lite infused water...which is a diuretic and i was stuck in the dilemma of: 'do i make sophia come with me and cause a scene which we may not be able to recover from' or 'just leave her and perhaps she cries looking for me, but most likely will just sit there and not even notice im gone.' i looked to my left and right, i could see nothing but kids (no pedophiles) and chose the latter. i gave sophia a little talk about staying seated and quiet and ran all the while looking behind my shoulder to see if she was following or was crying. i was back so fast i didnt even really miss a scene, but i did endure a dirty look from a mom at the start of our row as i tried to make my way back to my seat. btw sophia didnt even realize i was gone, so whew that went well.

...and then it was off to Super Franks, which is basically like giving your kid ADD. It's sort of like Chuck E. Cheese but with fewer games and more organized activities. There is a play room with a zipline and cars, moni golf, jungle-gym tube crawling thru thing, video game room, movie room and various flat screened tv showing various family friendly shows and a snack bar with pizza, salads, smoothies and starbucks. the snack bar is actually for the adults, its a miracle if you can get the kids to eat...all they do is say can i go play now? how about now? how about now? and then run excitedly from one thing to another. sophia walked inside and had no idea what to do, she was took her a little help from the other kids to get over it...then off she went.

dominic on the merry-go-round
marina on the jumping jack game
sophia hunting ducks
kayla and sophia on the merrygoround. you are never too old for this one!

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