Wednesday, July 9, 2008

We must love the Cranes..

the family, not the bird or the machine. today was chandler's last game of the season, mary lou and grandpa bob arrived and holly is leaving to the england and so we went to see everyone...the game was in livermore, it was HOT HOT HOT! if we didnt like that crane family so much we would have been soaking in gung gung's ice cold pool! that is not supposed to be a picture of the fence, its chandler hitting one outta the park...
the frozen lemonades really hit the spot!
auntie holly brought along a squirt bottle and
the kids had fun squirting each other (or themselves)

sophia didnt actually see much of the game, she just played in the dirt behind the dugout.

1 comment:

Holly said...

Ha ha, we love you too!!