Saturday, July 5, 2008

yee/young picnic

Alycyn Henseley (Young) invited sophia and i to their family picnic. sophia had so much fun and so did i! we all havent seen each other since we went to discovery museum 2 years ago, and altho the kids had fun, the mommies were running after their over-stimulated offspring and we could only chat in passing each other while running from one activity to the next. the kids never really wanted to play on the same thing at the same time. this was just perfect to hang out, chat and let the kids play with each other.
all the kids

kendall (marc's youngest) loves water of any form. she played with the ice for forever!
the sophia, jordan and nathanial have a hammer whammer bonking fest.
it was all fun and games until someone got hurt (but no one lost an eye!)

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