Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Palo Alto Jr Museum

When Aly invited us to their family bbq, we discovered a great place for the kids that doesnt cost much and is pretty close by, the Rinconada Jr Museum in Palo Alto. There is a great park for the kids to play in and tables to picnic on. There is also a pool (which we didnt do). And there are interactive learning toys inside the museum and a zoo outside. It's very small, so you arent running all over the place like the Discovery Museum, but the kids still had lots of fun. They only ask for a small donation, there isnt really a set price.
Izzy, Miranda and Sophia
Nathanial, Tyler and Aly
All the kids on the rainbow bridge
The Stump Path in front of the museum was a blast, despite the hot hot sun and the fact that poor Miranda scrubbed hard!

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