Friday, July 4, 2008

Happy Fourth of July

Okay 2 people started to ask me today: 'Do you celebrate 4th of July in Italy' but then caught themselves....ha ha ha. The answer is no and therefore i forced my kid to celebrate Independence Day doing the good ol' American traditions:
We got up early and went for a 'walk for a reason' in Orinda to help raise money for the awareness of Sudden Unexplained Death in Childhood (like SIDS but after 1 year old), which is organized by our friend's family. Their daughter died at 21 months. Sophia walked almost the whole 2 miles!
There was a parade after the walk.

Olivia and Ava came over to play and we had a bbq
(no pics of actual bbq, sorry).
And of course fireworks...Safe and Sane still legal in the UC!!!
(notice the 'great america' fireworks in the background/not legal fireworks...ahhhh the UC!)

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