Sunday, June 29, 2008

the mayors of Wesley Street

We went to Auntie Quanie and Uncle Will's today. They live out in Oaktown and have been there forever. They know everyone and everyobdy! Cousins Cherie and Mike are stying with them (Cherie is their daughter) on there way back to HI and we stopped by to say HI. Auntie Lu and Uncle Ed popped over while we were there, so we got to see them too! Pia was sort of in a bad mood, cuz she was tired, we just had returned from a funeral and it was just one of those days. luckily the aunties and uncles always know what to do: uncle ed came baring ice cream (he works for dryers) and uncle will took sophia to a neighbor's house where they have a garden and chickens (in the city!)!

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