Saturday, June 14, 2008

Auntie Joyce's

I forgot to mention that Maria came of from LO and Joyce came EB side and we had dinner together. We were supposed to BBq some of the fish that my dad brought home, only by Dad blew out the power trying to fix the pool filter (that I blew out) and we were without electricity for a few hours (quite a few hours).
but that was yesterday.
today joyce invited us over to her p's a father's day bbq (one day early). sophia had a great time with joyce's newphew's. i think sophia is into ryan, he sings micheal jackson (and other 80s songs), is funny and looks good in a uniform. (remember boring school pics, then there were those crappy reflection ones? well times have changed, at ryan's school's school the kids get to dress up in costumes(they choose what) and take pictures- we saw the ones where he was dressed as a fireman, park ranger and captain stubing (or a missing village person)).

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