Saturday, June 28, 2008

Fun with the Kelly Clan

No swim lessons on Fridays, so we met Karen and her kids at Cabello park. Sophia had a blast! Karen's kids are so amazing! They introduced themselves, helped Sophia get started playing since she was feeling a bit shy. They pushed her forever on the swing. Usually we have to ask her to get off, they pushed her so long, for the first time Sophia asked to go down!
PS here is another funny coinky-dink...Letty, the lady from yesterday's playdate-is sorority sisters with Karen. While Karen and I were catching up, she put 2 and 2 together.
Facebook UC style! Catherine and Karen Allison pushing Sophia
Jason monkeying around!

1 comment:

Kevin said...

Cabello Park? Wow...that just brought back alot of memories.