Sunday, June 22, 2008

Hiking in Sunol

Went to Sunol for a hike. The paths werent clearly marked and Sophia walks a bit slower than everyone else, so we didnt go quite as far as I was prepared for (i brought gallons of water, snacks, the little container to collect bugs and keep her occupied a sketch pad, etc etc etc). the best part of the trail was throwing rocks into the creek!
we actually spent more time in the visitor center afterwards than on the trails.
sophia had a good time looking at the snakes and spiders they had on display. there were also containers of bones and feathers and other things from the animals and plants of the area. michelle picked up the turtle shell in side the box labeled 'fossils'. the empty little shell was kinda gross, and i could only imagine there was a naked little turtle running around somewhere. then we opened up up a box labeled 'mystery' - how could we resist, with a label like that. there was another turtle shell inside, and we squealed, and ewwwwed and laughed when michelle realized this shell was NOT empty...there was a shriveled up dry turtle inside. it had this weird long dangly dried up leg poking out of one of the holes. yuck!
Uncle Matt and Aunti Chelle entertained Sophia (and themselves) with the little green ball.

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