Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Ceramics, Day 1

Okay i suck! i tried to sign up for ceramics class while in italy, but i thought i was lame and couldnt figure out how to get a code and pin. then i pushed it off and pushed it off because there was a billion other things to do. finally i tried again when we got home and ended up calling the place to figure out why i couldnt sign up (you actually have to call or go in to get the number, but it doesnt say on the site). so i finally tried to sign up for the class and of course it was full! i was number 6 on the waiting list, there was no way i was getting in. well Erin (the instructor) called and said there were so many sign ups, she was opening a new class on tuesdays, of course that was the day the power went out. Holly rocks, she changed her class to tues and signed me up too! the first day was lots of fun and i really needed the break away from sophia and to hang out with adults. im going to sign up for a class when i get to italy!

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