Thursday, April 24, 2008


Khatia had a second interview in Treviso (towards Verona/Venice) and we made a day trip out if it. The town is very charming. The town is encompassed by a wall and rivers and there are many small, foot traffic only streets to wander about. when i wikipedia'd to see where we were going yesterday, i read that there are only about 3,000 people that live inside the city walls-crazy Logan had more kids than that when we attended. but the city is suburban outside the walls and most of the people live there of course.

I discovered that Khatia is map obsessed. She would be a good partner for the Amazing Race, Fashion Edition. Actually it was a good partnership. We wandered, I snapped pictures and wandered off and she steered us straight again.
There were lots of young people out and about. The town center has all the shopping, and there are a lot of covered archways to stroll beneath. It was a really nice day, so they werent really needed, but i imagine when it is raining or the sun is beating down hard they are really handy. Loads of people just bike around. There are lots of bike lanes (unlike milan, which has only 1 that crosses the diameter of the circular shaped city. it starts and stops and restarts somewhere else and stops again and there are mopeds and pedestrians and poop everywhere-which doesnt really matter anyways because if you dont work and live along the path, you cant use it) and there are actually places to park your bike too!
One of the stores that will sell some of Khatia's future designs??

They have really cute kid's clothes. There are loads of embellishments and details on everything so it could be a lot of fun to design for them.
On the way to, Khatia and I chatted each other up and got current on the latest. On the way back we watched episodes of Project Runway i had uploaded to the LG. the 3 hour trip flew by both directions. Keep your fingers crossed for Khatia.


Holly said...

Looks like a picturesque kinda town!

Anonymous said...

Nice blog