Sunday, April 13, 2008

in-laws are part of the adventure too

the nonni returned to cuneo after lunch. oh where oh where do i begin?? please dont let the door hit you in the culo on the way out...
let's see, the wknd started like this:
scene: sophia having a tantrum just before they walked in. setting the tone for the wknd: i was greeted with the usual: oh what did they do to you? what a mean mom. how come they torture our princess. sophia is such a good girl, when she is with us she never throws a tantrum. why yes, hello to you too.

thatsa italiano: the mom really doesnt trust me to cook anything decent. i thought i made a pretty good brasato with polenta. and yes, thats all i made - i didnt do the other courses (antipasto, pasta, dessert etc) because i was already warned that nonna was bringing a zucchini quiche (which really turned out to be that, plus tomato appetizers and a big jar full of homemade mayo and stewed boar (for sunday) plus that big exaggeratedly, lookin-like-it-on-steroids sized chocolate egg). i should have made those other courses because it must have appeared we didnt have enough food, the nonni decided to go to the store for some bread (which we had loads of already). they came home with: even more bread, packages of various prociutto (not the ones sophia should eat), cheeses and other various stuff. our fridge is overflowing. most things will probably go moldy cuz we wont be able to finish all of it in time. (well we can always give it to mauro, he likes food after the expiration date passes). i'd probably just let it roll off my back, if it werent for the fact that if i bring anything over to their house, it gets dissed - nobody eats it but soph, max and me. (i never even brought over my disgusting sugary omelet disaster, which would at least give some explanation) . okay, so i get it, that they arent into my cuisine - fine. but i was sort of ticked i was making something to bring to someone else's house and my eats still got nosed in. the oven got opened a few times while i was making coconut flan to bring to olivers (in which i forgot to put the coconut, so i guess its just called flan...thanks for clarifying holber :o) . okay, well maybe for that one i did need the help. it flattened but at least it didnt taste like a sickeningly sweet omlette this time! im improving!

you know i can deal with buying clothes for a 7 year old and then messing with the elastic and length, forcing it to fit her now (but not letting her grow into it). i can deal with the giant easter egg that could have been a little smaller. i can deal with the having to buy her something every time they come. giving her money just because she asked. giving her food every 2 seconds. feeding her loads of whatever she asks for just because she asks, not giving her a chance to eat veg and meat or anything with nutrients. i can deal with the fact that the house always has toys everywhere and im constantly picking stuff up. i can deal with them putting on tv, just because she asks. them encouraging her to dirty up the windows i just cleaned, because they think its cute. i can deal with all the other stuff that happens during the course of a visit, them's just piccole patate, im going coo-coo for cocoa-puffs trying to figure out what to do about the self props- now im not fishing for compliments or anything, but you know... i really dont know how to handle that they see anything sophia does is thanks to them (saying please/thank you, counting, going to the bathroom on her own). i mean, im glad they are proud and, but if they could do it with just a little humility and without it seeming like we are just sperm and egg donors and the carrying vessel. i mean, i dont care if we dont get a pat on the back, but when it comes to the disciplining...its so contradictive to what they self high-five for. any sort of time out, scolding, anything we do to teach sophia right from wrong, ends up in them saying something against us, either to her face or behind our backs-but within earshot(see opening paragraph), telling sophia that they will buy her something to compensate, yanking sophia out of my arms so they can cuddle her- the list goes on (and on and on and on). and the kick me when im down is, when sophia runs away from them and comes back to be cuddled by me, all i can hear (and i assume sophia as well) are comments of what a momma's girl she is (not a compliment) and other comments to me that convey jealousy. im her mom, max is her dad. they want to be more than grandparents, but only for the easy stuff. how do i deal with that??

you know, i try to take it all with a spoon full of sugar, but i gotta chase it with a sambuca. looks like i need to have a drink at the whine bar!

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