Thursday, April 17, 2008

the camera broke AGAIN

it's just the lens cover. it stays opened. every year i have brought this stupid camera in to be fixed, the first time was my fault, but the last 2 werent. how annoying, this will be the third time. hope i can still use it because the ignacios are coming next week.


Gustav said...

I like your blog.

Have a good day.

munchkinhead2000 said...


So sorry about the camera...that sucksmuch. Here's a question. What up with you and the ever changing blog title? Not that it's not amusing, but are you just fickle or what? My friend, Joanne, is what we call a 'product changer'...she'll find makeup or something that she loves, but she obsessively changes products anyway. Seriously, she can't help herself. So do I need to give you similar label??? Or, is it just a test to see if we notice? Hope all is well with you. My roses have fungus and I have too many lemons...and there's my world in a nutshell. MMMMWAH! TammyJo