Tuesday, April 1, 2008

the dialogue

sophia is home with a cold today and also without diapers.
me: sophia do you have to go to the bathroom?
her: no, nope, no, nope, not yet, no, no, nuh-uh, nope
me: are you sure?
her: im sure!
(2 minutes pass)
me: (sniffs air) PU! Sophia did you just poop?
her: yes. (grins)
me: i just asked you! why didnt you tell me??????
her: SUPRISE (cracks up).

the end.


Olly said...

we have the new sarah silverman....

Holly said...

or rather - APRIL FOOLS! poor thing - and I mean you, not her! Yucky!

Glad you had a good time at the concert - sounds like fun - weird but fun!