Wednesday, April 9, 2008

the tree

well this is a painting that i stupidlydecided i wanted to do before sophia was born. max's dad kindly made the board as soon as i asked. but as for my part, well i wasnt so good. it took me forever to gesso. then forever to draw it in. i started an under-drawing shortly before sophia turned 2...and now she is about to turn three and i decided to scrap the oil painting idea (too toxic/dont think the gesso is a good enough quality). regesso'd the board (yeah i know you arent supposed to go over oils in acrylics but oh well) and for the last 3 days ive been slappin around the ol' acrylics, perhaps i will finish before sophia finishes college!

1 comment:

Holly said...

I like the painting, it looks good - I had forgotten you were going to do that before pia was born.

okay, I love the WHINE store, love it, cman my whino was sitting next to me when I read it and laughed outloud so he wanted to see what i was laughing about.

crazy day - but so at the end, you got your paperwork? I think I missed that part, or do you have to go back in 3 months?