Saturday, April 26, 2008


One of the coolest things about living abroad is the unique play dates! An afternoon at Children's Discovery Museum is fun but an afternoon wandering the streets of Florence, you can't beat that! We are so lucky that we have lots of friends that come to visit. Plus the opportunity was perfect, Max couldnt wait to try out the new car! The only bad thing is, in Florence you are not allowed to drive in the city from 7 am to 7 pm or something crazy like that.
Sara, Cynthia, Sophia and Eric Ignacio
(that glass of wine looks bigger than Sophia!)
Kissing Sophia'sEric stunned all of Italy by being a Daddy that multi-tasks. It's unheard of here!
You have to look carefuly in the crowd and you can see Eric. We were at the Duomo when Sara's balloon blew away. Eric with the backpack strapped on the back and Sophia in the baby bjorn in the front, played frogger with the circling buses, mopeds and cars to retrieve it. What a Dad!
The Ignacio's went to the Academia to see David and we went for a walk around the city.
Looking towards Ponte Vecchio.
The best view of the city can be seen from Daddy's shoulders!It's only April and the city was already crowded.
We had to stop at a fountain so Sophia could play in the water.
The girls found a carrousel and took a ride. !
I'm taking after Mom, my head was spinning after
We had a great lunch of different cold cuts and cheeses and some wine.
Sophia talks about Sara all day long now.
As soon as we get back to the states we will have to set up a play date!

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