Sunday, April 13, 2008

dawson's digs

knowing we had free babysitting and a need to escape, olber and etta invited us for thai at the o-man's crib. it was my first time at his house! i was so excited! they always say the house is the size of a postage stamp, actually it was bigger than i thought and totally cute. the complex is small, new and nice . the neighborhood is nice and its close to the freeway and a major mall/grocery's the kitchen
(that little white thing next to olivers butt is the fridge)
ps im sitting on the sofa on the opposite wall taking the picture,
so you are also getting a panoramic of the living room too, you just dont know it.
but really it's not the size that counts, it's what you do with it.
i was talking about the yummy thai dinner, what were you thinking?
look greta seems satisfied with it!
and so does max!

the apartments only downfall is, the neighbors are kind of trashy-
(greta said that skank has been out there for a few weeks, nobody knows why they just left her).

i left out the br and ba for privacy reasons. only bummer is, i forgot to take a picture of the know one of those 'borrowed' from a friend deals, of course the girl left italy and hasnt come back yet, so they cant 'return it' or throw it away. you have to choose wisely who you sit with on it, for example with greta, we sit and could hold on to the arm rests and stay up. sitting with max there was a slow gravitational pull to the black hole center and i couldnt even drink i was so off balance -there was something very mystery spot about the whole deal.
but you can get a glimpse of it here as oliver does an imitation of csi miami dubbed in italian:

ps im extra touched that oliver hung some of my artwork on the wall:

it tells the true story of little holbers first trip skiing - the door was actually opened and he skied straight into the house, but it's more dramatic in my version...(ps no real snowmen were hurt for the making of this card).

1 comment:

Holly said...

love the o-man's pad! the picture is a little on the dark side with the bloody snowmen!!!

reminds me of some hands......