Friday, April 4, 2008


Once again the preschool is on strike. who knows what for this time. it really irritates me because it wasnt decided until just before school let out. luckily i dont work, but i feel badly for those who do and dont have family near by to take care of their kids. its hard to get a sitter all day, by the next morning. luckily that wasnt the case for us. max left to work the early shift at the radio and then took a train directly to firenze to do interviews at the ferrari races and won't be back until sunday night. poor jamaican max. but friday, saturday and sunday all day at home just the 2 of us seemed like it was going to be a very long, esp for mommy! i was going to call priyanthi to have the girls play sat or sun, but today was an even better day. we got up, got dressed, went grocery shopping. made the mistake of walking thru the park, sophia had to pick EVERY flower that was growing, always in search of the 'biggest, biggest flower ever'-where i could see train after train passing. finally we made it to the metro and did the 5 minute walk to pri's. the girls played so nicely together. (pri made an awesome lunch btw - cod in a erbe tomatoe sauce and couscous). emanuele and maria amali both took naps, but i couldnt get sophia to go to sleep. so of course by the time ma and e awoke, she was exhausted and cranky. on the way to the park, the girls got distracted by the fountain and the flowers, so we actually stayed underneath the complex for at least an hour. eventually we made it to the park, but since there were so many kids running around it was hard to take pictures.
we left around 7, so the rush hour traffic was over and we got seats on the metro (and also on the green line after the transfer). and between the second to the last stop and ours somebody fell asleep and i had to walk the half mile home with her drooling in my hair and snoring loudly. i thought i was gonna fall down, luckily i put my keps in my pocket so i could open the gate without having to take off the back pack. struggled to keep the door open and turn on the stairwell light. trudged up the stairs, wondering if i was going to make it with each step. opened our door, set sophia down, closed the door and guess who woke up....first words 'TV.' (i was so pooped she not only got to watch tv but eat dinner in front of it). lots of tantrums but finally at 10 she was in bed and so far hasnt gotten out, but i can still hear her singing...

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