Thursday, March 6, 2008

Tanti Auguri A....

Mauro (or as Sophia calls him Malo). well uhm, actually it was last week, but he had to work, then we went to cuneo and then khatia came on weds (hooray) so today was the only other option. you know how we always drink bottled water here. well, mauro always has this problem with roommates not buying water, but always drinking his. so now we have inaugurated mauro into Club Britta. the gang got him one of the water filters. hopefully that will save him a pretty penny and having to lug the full bottles into the house and the empty bottles back out again! sophia stayed up until 1 am, so its doubtful we will be sending her off to school. plus fra had the baby on tuesday so we will probably go and visit her. btw he isnt 63, but you know just to be jerks, we turned the numbers around, it was 93 at first, but then we couldnt light the candles.

btw we went to the mall to go and get mauro's gift and some diapers. now that sophia is using diapers less frequently, we go shopping there less frequently. anyho checked out the EVOO and yes tams they do have your goods. now i just gotta figure out a way to send it. how do you send glass abroad??

btw btw i keep getting the facebook invites so, im finally on there. and ive been goofing off on that since sophia went to bed!

btw last time, check out this dudes blog its really cool. a picture a day from paris, and they are such nice pix too!

1 comment:

munchkinhead2000 said...

Hey Wheezer - you're such a doll for checking!! Actually, Canned-Ass pursued the EVOO by emailing Farchioni directly. They import into Santa Monica, CA and I was able to place my order directly...just today as a matter of fact. So, while I thank you for looking and the putting on of your your thinkin' cap and all, I'm dialed.

Ooh...talked to Banana the other day. You're in trouble. You'd better email her....

Love ya man!