Thursday, March 13, 2008

Sophia and Daddy's Day of Fun!

Last summer, my mom often sang 'Wheels on the Bus' to Sophia. It has remained her all time FAVORITE song...which means EVERY time a bus passes (which is often, since we live on one of the town's 2 main roads) she MUST sing the song (and we often have to join in). So there we go, walking down the street, or riding on the bike, and there is sophia singing at the top of her lungs 'OH da weelze on da butts go wound and wound...' Max went to go pick up Sophia today, and having nothing to do they decided to have a little trip on the bus. Tickets are sold at newspaper kiosks, the one closest to our house ran out so they walked into town to find another one. In town they passed Maggie's, and so - oops popped in and as you can see by the pictures had a chocolate ice cream. Finally they bought the tickets and hopped on to the bus. I dont know why Max didnt at least clean her face a little bit after the ice cream. With her hair a mess and chocolate all over her face, she looked like a total 'rag-a-muffin' - i asked if anyone gave them money cuz they thought she was one of those poor gypsy kids. Anyways they rode to the end of the line (which is about 1/2 mile away) and took the metro back one stop and walked home. Sophia was ecstatic, even though she looks annoyed in the pictures, she had a good time! What a cheap date and a great day of fun.

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