Sunday, March 30, 2008

Alicia Keys

Despite the fact that datchforum's acoustics are terrible, the concert was pretty good - (the best parts being when alicia keys played solo on the piano as Holber noted.) i do have to note it was one of the weirdest concerts ive ever been to -first of all, every female concert go-er(and some males) were dressed just like alicia keys (hair, makeup, hats, earrings and all), then everyone stayed seated thru the entire concert, half the audience filmed the WHOLE concert on their phones, and then you know how there is always a part where the artist goes put your hands together and clap, clap, clap - the whole venue was out of sync with each other/the music (usually the clapping fizzles out but, like 15 random people went on, and on and on and on and never stopped clapping or being out of sync), all made for quite an experience. but AC has an amazing voice and the show was good and going to the concert with holber is like watching MST to music, cuz he makes the stupidest, (but funny comments). i actually started to lose my contacts from laughing so hard at one point, so it was fun! my Thanks to Holber and Gweta and Ma-cuh-suh

and dont think it was all about me - in exchange for concert tix and babysitting h&g get language lessons - they learned shi-shi. very useful only if they find themselves at my mom's or in japan and they gotta go, te capii?? (pronounced 'take a pee' and means 'understand?' in milanese- see now you learned something absolutely useless too)!

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