Monday, March 24, 2008

Little Easter

The day after Easter is called Pasquetta, little easter- it's a holiday and traditionally its a day when people go with on a picnic with their friends. The reality is no one ever really does that, it's usually cold or rainy, and everything is closed for easter and pasquetta so no one ever has enough organization to do it.
Today was a bit cool (frost on the car windows when we woke up), but it was nice. Greta's parents are out of town and so we took advantage of her nice large house and garden to do a BBQ there.
O and G got Sophia a chocolate Easter egg. The prize inside was a little purse - so Sophia went around like a gypsy asking for coins to fill it.
What is the male attraction to cooking outside with fire? Our gas stove has a flame and you never see these three standing over over it like this!
Ilaria and Valeria show the tricks of taking the skins off fire roasted bell peppers.
Sophia caught red handed playing with Mrs Polenghi's dishes.
Photo #16,849,431,902 of olber eating.
That plate in front of him is piled with salamella - italian sausages that are awesome grilled.
I know it looks like host, but it's just the bread.
Max's face of self-satisfaction!
(and well deserved too, thanks chef!)
DJ Topo Funky the Samurai prepares to cut the Colombo!
As for every holiday here, there is a traditional cake that's eaten - this is the Colombo. To be honest, it's just like Panetone (the Christmas one) only a different shape (supposedly dove - but unless its a dove that just fell from 100 feet and splatted flat on the pavement, it looks nothing like any kind of bird). The cakes come in all different flavors now, Criss got the one thats is injected and smothered with chocolate-and oh so good.
The girls snuggle Sophia while the boys go Wii.
Sophia helps Ilaria Wii.

ps for those who don't know about greta's mom - she is obsessive compulsive about domestic cleanliness. their house is always ready for a good housekeeping photo shoot. stupidly, we forgot to change the plastic lined panties on sophia....and of course she pooped...and didnt tell us...on the white couch. somehow she didnt pee too, so luckily it didnt leak- whew! i'm usually on my toes with Sophia in the Sterile Polenghi Lab/House - im always afraid that CSI Agent Mrs. Polenghi will open the door, enter the house, sniff the air, drop her suit cases, and then break out her luminol to re-create any naughty actions sophia has done in her home whilst she was out. hopefully we didnt leave the house in too much of disarray. i've got such a Mrs Polenghi paranoia that she has become fodder for our group'sprivate jokes. and poor sophia doesnt believe in the boogie man, she's got the fear of Mrs. Polenghi for her nightmares instead.

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