Tuesday, March 4, 2008

a little chlorine in Cuneo's gene pool please!

as i whined about before, im not all that into the circus, but i was quite intrigued that this was a family's way to make a living. whole circus is set in a 'field' that is lower than the road. when the animals are not doing a show, their cages are on display for the public to see. there are also enclosures around the cages so people dont get to near to the animals. you can probably see where this is heading. the tiger cage is set on an outer corner and lots of people gather up on the road to see them. well one of the local idiots decided he wanted to go and pet the tigers, climbed down the little hill, climbed over the protective barrier and squeezed his hand into the cage. a tiger bit him, not badly mind you, but the guy freaked out and struggled to get his arm out and in his panic he wasnt successful. instead he managed to attract other tigers (well that and perhaps the fresh blood from the tiger bite), that actually did do damage to the guy's arm. luckily the tigers didnt do worse, the trainer was nearby and reacted quickly to get the tigers off the man. so now thanks to this brainiac, im sure the circus will be closed for a while (the family therefore not earning much), the tigers wont be on display and the children(and tigers) that were there will be traumatized by the whole ordeal. (im sorry for what happened to the guy, that's a very hard way to learn what should have already been obvious). cuneo can now be proud of bonfante's, cuneese, galimberti and this genius whoo hoo!

warning: stupid people will be eaten!

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