Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Beach, Beach, Beach

Sometimes I get so annoyed with Max when he Italianifies (i know that doesnt exist and it will be ironic that i just did that) English words or Anglicizes Italian words. It's hard enough for Sophia to keep 2 languages straight without him mixing them up for her. It basically means taking off the last syllable of a words to make it English or adding an O or A to make it Italian-o. Are you playing this game in your head? Such as helmet in italian is casco- he calls it a casc, jacket becomes...thats right jacketo. It's just like speaking Spanish with Karen from Will and Grace. And even tho he didnt do it today, I felt it's repercussions- While Max was yanking his bike out of the cantina (being from california, i dont know what that little underground room is called in the basement where you store the stuff that cant fit in the house), Sophia kept saying she wanted to go to the beach. There is no beach in Milan. The closest thing there is to a beach is when the Scirocco brings in the rain drops with sand in them. Beach, BEAAAAACH, she insisted! She was starting to get hysterical. I'm desperately trying to figure out what she wants-what? Park? There's sand at the park. NO! Beach, what beach where? Genoa? Beach, ober der (not pointing to anything)! Soon came the tantrums BEAAACCH, dat one der (still not pointing to anything specific)! I really hate when she does this in public because everyone has to either offer you advice, come and comment and try and console Sophia, or comment to their kid - yes she is having a tantrum, you know just like you have(point stare)! Apparently my mom's rule of don't stare, isnt known here. Nor does the rule MYOB!
Well as it turns out, Sophia wanted to go on the bicycle. Word for bicycle is.....bici (pronounced - bee-chee - which happens also to be exactly how I felt if you italianicize a certain Amecrican word!)

Sophia in Casc with her Dadd-0.

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