Friday, October 12, 2007

Susheeeeze Louise!

Day 2 without pacifier - so far so good. She only asked for it at bedtime a little bit. Then we reminded her the Ciuccio Fairy came and brought her presents in place of it and she played with the toys a little then forgot about all about the pacifier.
Okay, so when we were in Hawaii we went to the children's discovery museum and there was a section with little mini 'countries' for the kids to play in. In 'Japan' there was a little Japanese building, with a small zen garden (and plastic water in the fountain with plastic coy) and a tatami room. In the tatami room there were small plates and sushi made of felt and yarn, with the little black and and red-orange miso soup bowls and matching plates and chop sticks etc. Sophia had such a good time imagining and playing, I thought 'WOW what a cute idea!' I'm gonna do that for her when we get back to Milan. When we were back in Union City at the grandparent's house, we went to Daiso (the 1,000yen/$1.50 store) and we bought the little plastic-lacquerware plates and bowls, Pam gave her the kid chopsticks,then I went to Michael's just to get the felt and the pompom maker. And we hauled it all back to Milan. When we got home, we rode bikes down to yarn store and looked thru hundreds of rolls of yarn until the lady let me buy the one I had originally asked for. I stayed up late figuring out exactly how to make the little maki sushi -how to use the pompom maker, how much yarn to use, how to get the colored felt(maguro) in the middle etc etc. I cut those stupid pompoms up and the yarn dust got in my lungs and made me cough and in my eyes and stuck to my contacts so my eyes hurt. And finally, I was so excited and happy I figured it all out. I got out the plates and chopsticks out and stuck the sushi on all nice and neat, like it was catered from Nobu. And of course, Sophia took one look, grabbed the chop sticks and shoved the plate away and said 'NO THANK YOU!'She wouldnt play and have fun with them, no matter how hard I tried! I made an ass out of myself - smiling and pretending to eat and have fun to no avail. Just classic....

1 comment:

Holly said...

I have some catching up to do!!! Hooray about the pacifier!! So nice not to have to haul it around anymore. What a great idea to have a chucho (sp) fairy!!

I love the sushi platter - I was thinking you were going to say she tried to eat it!! I think the "no thank you" is worse - ha ha, the things we do for our kids....xoxo