Friday, October 26, 2007

School Strike

There is a teacher's strike at Sophia's preschool - there is always a strike of something here in Italy. I think it's the law, somewhere, some how, somebody needs to be on strike. Which would be fine (since I'm 'working' at home), but i was hoping to clean and pack because we are going to Cuneo today to see the Nonna. The morning didnt start out that great either, I got Sophia out of bed and onto the toilet (but her diaper was already wet, I think she had been up a while). She got all mad about something, and started doing raspberries and shouting, so it was it was straight from the toilet to timeout - ugh! Since it's raining, we can even go outside and play. Searched on the internet for Halloween activities. Had to go and buy stuff or yank out too many things from the closet boxes so I went with a playdough recipe - (Ups to wikiHow) and halloween cookie cutters.

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