Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Na Na Na Na Hey Heyyyy Good Bye

Addio Ciuccio, we said good-bye forever to you! Today was Sophia's first full day without a pacifier!! We've been telling her for the last couple of days that on Weds the we werent going to use the ciuccio any more. This morning at school we announced it to the teachers too. And after school we went for an ice cream to celebrate not having used the ciuccio all day. Today Criss stopped by for an impromptu visit and ended up staying for dinner too. After that we did a goodbye pacifier ceremony, we stuck it in a little bag and hung it in the tree for the Ciuccio Fairy to collect (yes, just like the tooth fairy..didnt you know there is a Ciuccio Fairy too? Too bad there wasn't a thumb fairy, I would have had a hard time playing video games, but at least I wouldnt have had buck teeth and braces!!). The Ciuccio fairy came by and took the pacifier away and in its place brought Sophia presents for being such a good girl!! Criss, her Daddy and Sophia played with the new grocery shopping basket and food until it was time to go to bed. So far she got out once, but Max put her back in and then sat by the door (noooooo eye contact!) for a few minutes and either she went to sleep or is just laying there quietly, but 15 minutes have passed and she still hasnt come out yet. Keep your fingers crossed!

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