Monday, October 8, 2007

Fooled Nights Sleep

I can't believe it! Sophia actually slept the whole dang night...about 3am I woke up, (force of habit, nervously awaiting to see if she would wake up). She did a little cough, moved around a little bit and I held my breath in anticipation, but nope...she just stayed sleeping. Unfortunately about 3am Max woke up too, coughing and nose blowing. Poor guy's cold was just worse. But worse yet, poor me...I am doomed to never have a full nights sleep. What a friggin psych was that, he tossed and turned and made so much noise I got up and went on the couch and read. It wasnt even a good reading book (one of those parent help books, requires too much concentration). Don't know what time i finally fell asleep but I do know Soph rolled in around 6.30ish - 'Miiiiilk'.
Max was good and he took her school. Due to yesterdays over work I decided that today i would just hang around the house, watch some well deserved tv (that isnt the wonder pets or little einsteins) and veg. yeah i say that, but of course the cooking, cleaning and laundry still get done at random im not sure how much hanging out i actually did do. took a nap, which was well needed, and luckily Max went to go and pick up Sophia from school. I guess she had a hard day and cried a lot and asked for us. Poor kid, she jumped right onto the bed and started pawing at my hair. And since it was the late shift for Max he was off to work.
I usually hate early morning shifts and late shifts, it makes my day all that much longer. But today went pretty well. We just hung out, Soph 'helped' me clean and put away laundry, and then she was shouting something that sounded like 'shark week' that I totally didnt get, and of course she was so insistent and kept shouting it over and over, I felt like the idiot for not understanding her, so I changed subjects and got out the painting kit that Pietro gave her for her b-day. I was trying to save it so that they could play it together but oh well. Its one of those imaginarium kits, the paints are already in the brushes, all you need to do is wet them and paint the posters that they give you, and there is even a little plastic mat included.
She was so into it she must have painted for an hour and a half. I kept getting out big ol' sheets from the Ikea roll to keep her going. That was cool, it gave me a little break and Marc and I just pinged for that time. And then it got late, it was getting dark and cool so we came inside and had a bath. She even sat on the toilet for a minute.
All was good and dandy until dinner time....I warmed up the chicken noodle soup from lunch and as per norm this week, she didnt want to sit down and eat dinner. First she spit at me - so a time out. And then she insisted that I open the mini twix or 2 cookies she got from school. Coercion, bribery, flat out threats made no difference - that girl was not even gonna sit in her chair and just taste to see if she liked the soup or not. So back into time out it was. No change, so back into time out. This time it actually worked and she sat down and tried some soup. I scooped the first spoonful, trying to just get noodles or chicken. But she shouted - se-woo-weee. I didnt get it at first, but apparently she wanted to eat the celery! where the heck did she learn that from, could it be? nooo...does something good actually come out of the wonder pets- lets celery-brate! yeahhh! thanks linnie, tuck and ming ming too! its the first time i didnt hate them! she ate a few spoonfuls, which was fine, and then i opened the twix as afore promised. And then I was going to offer up some tv, but she wanted to draw. so she drew, and then started drumming with the pencils. and then she started to take song requests (from herself)...gwen stefani - this mmms bananas b-a-ayananas, twinkle. and then she started demanding songs from me shake your bootie, bah bah black sheep. strange line up of karaoke but it was fun, and funny! but then she started singing wonder pets, which brought us back to tv again, so i let her watch for an hour and then it was off to bed...which btw was also really easy, i tucked her in, sang a song and lights out. she cried a little, but before msn msgr opened up, she was quiet.
got 5 pages of scrap booking this some of this summer's pix done. only about 80 more pages to go!!! so this is the goal, a couple of pages every night (yeah right) but thats 2-4 pix per page, so if i do keep it up, i could actually get a lot done! yeah we will see, this thing is dated right, i will come back and look at my progress, if i even remember that i set the goal.

1 comment:

Holly said...

ARe you dreaming of the backyardigan's tune? lucas is dancing to HM2 all by himself, he is missing his back up singer!