Monday, October 29, 2007

OK Kevin Anderson, I will take you up on that tip

This is what happened...No diaper on Sophia, just underpants. I had her chair covered in plastic and towels. Towels around the room to soak up any accidents. I wouldn't let her sit on the couch. Had the TV on so that she would remain basically in one area. Got my jewelry stuff out so i could sit near her and keep an eye on her -especially for any poopin faces. I asked her every 10 minutes if she had to go pee pee (and of course she said no). And after a while she got curious and wanted to see what I was doing. I had a ring on the table and she wanted to wear it, but I told her to sit down...and of course as I'm saying it I can hear the trickling sound of pee...but it didnt sound like it was splashing down on the marble floor. no, of course not. it was more like the sound of a water fountaing, small little puddles dribbling down in to one big... WTF OMG NOOOOOOOO...she peed right into my open bag of beads and wire! It's just another manic mondayyy , woooahh woahh woah! And of course Max was at work until midnight, so when I told him all he did was laugh. Men just arent born with EMPATHY as we know from White Men can't Jump! Laugh in 24 hours, it will be funny then!
So according to Kevin Anderson, long time friend of my sister's - take the diaper off and let the kid run around naked will solve the pee pee problem ASAP. I was gonna wait on trying that, since we are in the middle of a cold fall...but 10 minutes after that little incident Sophia was running around in her bday suit! And she didnt on the floor again for the rest of the night! "Hold your water [Sophia], hold your water till the end of the song!"


Holly said...

tell kevin anderson to let lucas run around his house all day - he's soooooo not potty trained yet!

I can't believe she still talks to kevin - cool...(if it's the same one i'm thinking of)

xoxoxo - hey i was going to tell you - comment on my blog so i know you're keeping tabs on me!!!!

Kevin said...

Wait Wait Wait! First of all, hello ladies. I hope you are both doing well.

Now, I can't say that this works for all kids, but it worked for us. It also worked for my neighbor, who had their son run around for days without a stitch of clothing for two days...last year here in Germany.

We first started putting Tia on the toilet, to get her use to being on the toilet. She sees kids at day care that are potty trained, so it wasn't a new expereince for her.

After a few weeks, we spent one weekend with her bottomless in the house. We had a portable potty in our family room in the basement, and a potty seat cover for the main bathroom, next to her room. We kept a good eye on her the entire time. We asked her frequently if she had to go, like 10 times an hour. If she displayed any signs, we would place her on the potty. She started off passing gas on the potty and then she finally went. We made a big deal about it, even let her flush the toilet with loud applause. We placed her in pullups for her naps and diapers at bedtime.

At the end of the weekend, she was fully trained. There were some accidents, but that was mostly our fault for not catching her expressions in time. She is now fully trained and will tell us if she has to go to the potty. She will even wake up in the middle of the night to tell us she has to go. We still use the pullups at bedtime, but she hasn't had an accident in a month. So, it does work, it just takes time and alot of patience....which the wife has, not me.