Tuesday, October 9, 2007


Today is a half day, but since the kids cant go back until 1pm and ive got to pick Soph up by 4, we just stayed home. Nasty cold, luckily Max took care of her in the morning, but he had to go to work by 10 and of course the dang Little Einsteins avi got blocked so as soon as he went out the door I had to get up and fix it. After a little tv (and coffee for me) we got dressed and got out the pencils and drew on the paintings we did yesterday. That was pretty fun, but didnt last too long. But it looked so nice, i was inspired to let Sophia acrylic paint and see what came out of it...un piƩce di resistence (or however you spell it...you'd think after all those years of art in college, i'd know). I also learned a valuable lesson, dont use tuna cans to hold the paint, i was rinsing one out and i cut the heck out of my stupid finger, and it wouldnt stop bleeding. Better me than Soph, the cut's pretty deep so it would have cut her whole finger off......ewwww! Anyways, quite proud of my kid, too bad we dont have anywhere to hang it...maybe we can make some space over the book shelves. Too bad we didnt work in yellow and red and orange it would have matched the walls in the living room!

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