Sunday, October 21, 2007

Emanuele's Baptism

Pryanthi and Paolo's second child had baptism today. Max is hating it because he had a tooth pulled on friday and the pain is kicking in and the meds are never strong enough, so it was a long ordeal for him. he and sophia left halfway thru the ceremony because neither could sit still, luckily it was a big church with a parocchia and so there was a playground nextdoor. Then there was a big party underneath the church with refreshments. Unfortunately I didnt get a pic of Emanuele - only the dads and the girls. On the way home there was the procession of saint someone or other and so the streets were all closed off and it took us FOREVER to get home, we had to drive in around in a big circle thru heavy traffic. Sophia wanted to walk around afterwards so we watched the procession, which was kind of cool cuz its like being back 50 or a hundred years ago...things still take place exactly the same - a long crowded group of slow walking people carrying a big ceramic statue of the madonna (sedan chair style) mosey down the main streets of Cologno while the priest swings the incense and chants prayers - only now its modern cuz the prayers are amplified with wireless megaphones from beginning to end of the procession.

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