Monday, May 7, 2007

Why did we take the V out of GenoVa

It's a question that's always perplexed me. Is it so hard to say Gen-o-VA instead of Gen-o-a? But whatever. As usual we were late for the metro, saw a train pass right before our eyes. So we jumped on the next one. And as usual we were late to get to the train station. We rushed to the little machine, punched all the right buttons, but then for some reason seats + reservation came up. Since reservations were 12 euros more, the last time I made one, I didnt want us to pay extra for the tickets if it wasnt necessary. But no matter how many times we restarted, the stupid thing came up seats + reservation. Being limited on time, we ended up just taking it. And of course made a mad dash for the train, which was of course 10 minutes late. TYPICAL! So I was thinking that maybe because lots of people go back and forth from Genoa to Milan, maybe we were obligated to get reservations to guarantee a seat. So we went to go and look for our reserved seats. The heavy smell of armpit onions already lingered in the air. And of course it being just our luck, we had the seats in the same car as the manufacturer of said odor. ML and I sat opposite, and poor H sat next to him (at least she was near the door). Mr. Pits was reading a newspaper and H had to do the 'put your hand under your nose' move and pray that it would filter out some of the smell , every time he turned the page.

Anyhoo, got there and of course all the signs pointing to the aquarium were pointing in the wrong direction, hidden behind columns or on the side of the building not visible to us, so we got a bit lost. typical. and finally we found the aquarium/pier and marylou took a little ride around the harbor. holly gets seasick so i kept her company on shore. which was fine because we went to the biosphere and saw butterflies coming out of their cocoons. and h got to practice using her new camera.

Nice knockers Holly!

Walked around a bit more and then it was back home again. This time we ran for the train usual the train was late, but this time it was lucky for us. even though we bought our tickets after the departure time, we ran and still made it aboard in time. since we jumped into the nearest car, there werent any of the 6 seat cabins that were truly empty. so we sat down in what seemed to be the best choice, there was one lady sitting doing her own thing. she let us know that we were not welcomed right away, she turned up her walkman from 1983, which apparently had prayer tapes and started praying away - out loud. that apparently was her second line of defense, the first being that she wasnt big on the hygiene either. ML and I went to check for diff seats - we found an empty one - and with good reason, whoever was seated in there left a toxic cloud that haunted the room. in the end we ended up moving to the cabin next to the prayer lady where there was some young guy. Poor guy, we ended up chatting so much i think he left the cabin just to get some peace and quiet. just before leaving, i asked him if we bugged him with our chitchat, but he said no, he just needed some air. and h said maybe he thought we were one of the stinky people because we had a bag focaccia with onions on it!

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