Friday, May 4, 2007

Last Day in Venice

Last day in Venice. We werent going to leave to early afternoon to get back in time for to get Sophia from pre-school. So once again Alessandro suggested our itinerary for the day: frari church. It's a really lovely church about a 5 minutes from the hotel. There are really amazing sculptures in black and white marble and paintings in there. Of course it starts pouring rain as soon as we get in, and it's pouring buckets by the time we leave and we get lost and soaked on our way back which makes us late to the train station and of course all the self-service machines are broken and so we have to stand in line, hence missing the earlier train. Luckily Ethel was my savior and went to get Sophia.
We got home, the girls played a little and then it was off to get ready for dinner. Went to the little restaurant in town. Usually they are soooo nice, but this time they were kind of cold. It took a loooooong time for our dinners to come out. Luckily they had put cartoons on the tv, so Sophia just watched tv and ate breadsticks.

Then it was off to the metro to catch the train to Mauro and Khatia's to celebrate Khatia's 25th birthday (her bday is actually the 30th).

Alice and Sophia got rides in the chair. Max came to get us after work and then it was home again and time to get ready to go to Cuneo.

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