Monday, May 21, 2007

The day after...

Still recuperating from yesterday.
Party was fun, but tiring!! Cleaned and organized the house from yesterday's chaos left over from party preparation. Uncle Willie occupied Sophia. They watered the plants (ALOT!!) Then they did puzzles. And legos. And etch-a-sketch. etc etc etc

Then it was bubble time.

What kid doesnt love bubbles?? Sophia screamed and screamed and had a good time. And now I can wash my floors without using any detergent, they are pre-soaped! thanks guys :o)

After lunch we went into the city. Had a walk around the Duomo. Unbelievably it is half-uncovered in the front!! the top half isnt being cleaned-the bottom half still has scaffolding. Couldnt walk inside much because its sunday and altho there wasnt mass going on when we went inside, things were blocked off and you couldnt walk all the way around. Then it was down Via Torino (since I was with Willie there was no 'accidental' stop over to Promod like we did with Holly). Passed the Columns of San Lorenzo and then a peek into the church, where apparently there was a mass - in Tagalog! luckily we are asian - and all those asians looked alike, so we kind of blended in. At least we didnt look like tourists barging in during mass!! Of course we couldnt find the exit to get out, so we had to keep walking past the same doors till we figured out which one was the entrance/exit. Then out the Porta di Ticinese doors and over to the Navigli where the pic above was taken. Walked down the small canal and then over to the big one. And then it was over to Sant'Ambrogio area. Stopped at Orso gelateria - good strawberry ice cream. Got Sophia a small cone, but she takes small licks and it just drips down her arm and on to the stroller. She gets peeved when i try to take licks to clean up the melting goo - 'e mio, mio, mio' she cries! it was so hot, and the ice cream sooo sticky that when i tried to clean her face after she finished her cone- the waxy paper napkin clung to her face! We looked for the davinci museum - which we found 21 San Vittore, thanks to a phone call to Max- and which apparently closes at 6.30 -about 10 minutes after we got there. So we just went home.

If was a good thing anyways because we were supposed to meet Khatia, Mauro, Oliver and Greta for an 'addio khatia dinner'. she is going back to georgia - for who knows how long-could be 2 weeks could be 2 months, depending on the visa. But apparently we got our wires crossed and so the guest of honor didnt come. We celebrated and and drank and cheered a farewell to Khatia anyways!

19,200 steps (not including house cleaning before leaving to the city and cooking and party clean up after).

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