Sunday, May 13, 2007

Happy Bday to me!

Yeah! Max gave me a big ol lumpy package that looked as if it was wrapped by a 4 year old...guess what it was?? Some horrible gigantic book, just what we needed for our bookshelf. As if we dont have enough free terrible books from his work already. I think its an addiction, he can't stop himself. It's now the biggest book on our bookshelf...but i was graceful and said thank you, and boy was he disappointed that i wasnt disappointed! He was just trying to piss me off - instead I got a brand new LG TouchMe! Wooohooo!! Very cool! Altho, im still not sure who the gift is for-him or me! He's been goofin off on it the most so far!

My blog, my version of the story: Let me explain the sign...translation 'Max, not to be thrown away.' Did I tell the story already about how im missing half of my summer clothes. Somethings werent even worn yet, I got them at the end of the season sales last year. So anyways, the closets here are REALLY stinkin' small, so those of us who dont just wear tshirts and jeans all year 'round (Max) have to do the changing of the wardrobe. That means summer clothes go down in the basement when its winter and vice versa. Max's house hold duty (aside from being head bbq'r) is to take out the garbage and put stuff down in the basement (they are both down stairs near the garages). You can see where this is leading, I put the summer clothes in a bag to be taken downstairs, told Max they were ready to go down and and that was the last we saw of them again. Now his claim is that they got thrown out with the clothes that were to go to the 'donations to the poor' containers. But I always double check the bags for fear of some disaster like this. Aside from the fact that the clothes to be thrown away were in a bag that shouldnt have even been near the summer clothes! Tore the basement apart looking for them. Zero. So of course I complained and told the story to everyone! And hence the fancy wrapping paper and sign on the new beginnings of my summer wardrobe. PS did i mention the the dress I got married in was in the bag that got thrown out????

Thanks everyone for coming out! It was a lot of fun!

PS Celebrity Siting! Guardate e DJ Francesco!!


Holly said...

Hey Girl Friend!!!! Okay, showing how American's are so technologically behind, what LG toy did you get for your bday????

Hope you had a great Mother's Day. B&ML leave tomorrow and I've been so busy with "getting back into the swing" it's been crazy! But I got a new bike.......... Miss you lots!!!

Holly said...

Hey you're wearing my shirt!!!!!