Wednesday, May 23, 2007

what happened to Matt?

Cleaned the house then went to the street market downtown and got some fresh seafood. Then went to go get Matt from the Central Station where the buses from Malpensa come in. It felt like 10,000 degrees outside, no wind, hot muggy air - made all the more disgusting by the fact that we were sitting aroundoutside the dirty, smelly train station. We were a little early and there was no Matt. We waited. And Waited. And Waited some more. Then I started having doubts that Willie didnt specify when he said MalpensaExpress, since the bus and train both have that name. Went over to Stazione Nord to go and check to see if he landed there. Waited around there some more, no Matt. Called Ethel to tell her Sophia couldnt play today because we were waiting for Matt. She said that probably was because there was a strike of Alitalia (typical-why didnt I look)?? So I went back to Central, found Willie, we waited one more round of bus drop offs and then went home. We couldnt figure out why Matt hadnt called or anything....and then of course Willie had some doubts...He thought perhaps Matt had mentioned he was coming in on the 23rd not the 24th. We looked on the email-it only said the departure date and not the arrival date, doing some calculations we figured out that he isnt coming until tomorrow.

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