Sunday, May 27, 2007

DaVinci Museum and Finding Matt

Whew it was another hot one today! Went to the DaVinci Museum of Science and Technology - was not exactly what I thought, but it was cool. I had heard that the museum was dedicated to DaVinci's inventions. There was a long hallway that had many of the recreations in miniature - and that was cool, but there was also a lot of other stuff. It was a mix between the tech museum and childrens discovery museum in SJ. There were trains to walk around from different eras.
There were full sized pirate like sail boats to walk around and a partial cruise ship to walk inside. Parts of museums were dedicated to communication - like the history of radio. Other parts were dedicated to music, clocks, solar systems and solar energy etc. you get the idea.

After we had some time to kill so we went to get a slice of pizza and then take a look at Sant Ambrogio church.

And then it was back to the train station to try and find Matt for a second time. PS just in case you are curious what the mint popsicles taste like - think scope.

Thats Matt in the orange shirt and backpack, we are sneaking up behind him to see how long it takes him to notice us.

Matt got in a little late, so we had to make a mad dash back to Cologno Monzese and I had to run and go get Sophia from school. She and the other kids were playing in the water and having a grand ol' time!

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