Tuesday, May 22, 2007


Had a late night last night. Sophia coughed all night and woke up a couple of times. She's sleeping in our room since she let Uncle Willie use hers. It's harder to get some good sleep. So it was a sluggish morning for us. Instead of going to Turin like originally planned we went to Bergamo, Max got off early today so he went to the optometry appt the school. He's such a great guy!!

Willie and I took the train to Bergamo (4.10 euro, not a bad deal!) and then the train part way up the hill. Jumped off and took the funicular to see a great view of the city.

Since it was lunch time by the time we made it to Bergamo Alto all the shops were closing in the center. So we just walked around the middle of the city and then decided to walk the outskirts. We walked around and around...just about the whole city. We discovered a small botanical garden. A castle. and fabulous views around the back side. Its a good hike but there is lots of shade. Dont wear flip.flops! I didnt know we were going to end up hiking and brought the wrong shoes today!!!

Had another farewell khatia party, with khatia this time!! went to restaurant near our house-the crappiest service ever!! and the food wasnt even that great! it used to be really good and the people were friendly, but the last 2 times its been terrible there! not going back again!

steps: 27,418 (not including house cleaning and walk to restaurant)

1 comment:

Holly said...

I loved Bergamo, I found that castle too, but alas was all alone that time. I loved hiking that town....

Hi Willie!! I love the picture you have in your last post too - that is beautiful! However, you really should have had Willie take the Promod detour (I have yet to wear my new clothes) I'm sure he would have enjoyed it in there - NOT

Bummer Khatia is already going back, hopefully it won't be for too long! xoxo