Friday, January 1, 2010


10. 9. 8. 7. 6. 5. 4. 3. 2. 1--Happy New Year!
Marco pops the cork!

Me(and baby bump), Paola, Giorgia, Marco and Max
(sophia is taking the picture)
There are so many people that do fireworks on the Policaro's street, that all you can see for an hour after midnight is smoke! Marco swears the people next door to them spend a couple thou on fireworks every year because they go on for at least an hour non stop, which reminded me of my Uncle Melvin (who passed away a few years ago). When we were kids he would drop a couple of hundred on boxes and boxes of illegal fireworks. We would have to pose with his treasure trove, I wish I had some pictures of us to post, knee deep in his illegal doings. Then at midnight he would shoot off all the fireworks off, I don't know how many times he almost burned down the house on the other side of the creek, behind my Grandma's house. I'm sure the blood pressure of the owners of that house, went down several numbers, when around the age of 40 or 50 something my uncle finally stopped playing pyromaniac. I guess every neighborhood needs at least one firecracker crazy family, the Policaros just happen to have theirs living next door, good thing their house is like the third little pigs, it's made of brick and wood or straw.
Sophia passed out.
(the hand that is near her mouth is Cicciobellos, but it sure looks like her weird alien little hand is caressing her bottom lip)

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