Thursday, January 21, 2010


You know every holiday and festival has some sort of traditional sweet or cake - my favorite are called chiacchere and come around Carnivale time in Lombardia. (Every region has their variation on this, but I like this one.) It's just a real simple recipe with butter, flour and sugar, plus grappa - then they are deep fried, baked and then sprinkled with powdered sugar. I'm always trying to chase down the bakery with the best tasting ones, but I can never find anything better than homemade. Being preggo and craving anything junky, I decided to try my hand at making some this year. They were definitely not as good as other homemade ones I've tried, but better than bakery ones (you have to get them when they are extra fresh or you can taste the difference!). Plus it took forever to figure out the thickness and heat of the oil, so every batch had a different look. Hence the 'before' pic, no finished product.

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