Wednesday, January 6, 2010

The Befana

The 6th of January is when the 3 kings arrived bearing gifts. In some parts of Italy it is celebrated instead of xmas (well actually used to be, now xmas is so large and commercial every one celebrates that and then sometimes they do the Befana as well). It's similar to American Xmas, in that old socks are put out the night before. Instead of Santa (or a posse of 2 old white guys and a brotha, aka the kings), a wrinkly old witch comes. And instead of scaring the bejesus out of you (like halloween) she either leaves presents (no not frankinsence or myrrh, smart alec!) or coal (depending if you've been good or bad obviously). Sophia was a good girl, so the Befana brought her a little present, altho coal might have been nice this year because with the economy and all, plus the cold-coal would definitely have been more useful!

We don't discriminate here- just like getting ready for Santa, we were very disorganized in getting ready for the Befana too. I forgot to stick the sock up, then I didnt have tape strong enough to stick the sock up with, so I just threw it on the tree, there by breaking one of the glass Christmas ornaments and spreading shards all over the place. And of course by now it was late at night, Sophia had already gone to bed and we couldnt pass the vacuum cleaner. We are so lucky the Befana didnt cut herself, get all bloodied up and take off out of frustration (sue us), all before having left anything.Anyhoo, she brought Sophia a Polly Pockets Pet Rescue helicopter and a hula hoop.

Side note: I just asked Max why 3 old guys in crowns don't leave the gifts and what a witch has to do with anything. He gave me some mumbled answer that didnt explain anything, so I went to do what I should have done in the first place-I looked it up on wikipedia. There are several versions of the story and I'm gonna give you the one I like the best- apparently three old guys with crowns got lost on their way to find baby Jesus (I guess thats why they arrived a week and a half after he was born), they ended up meeting with this old lady. She said she didn't know where he was, but gave the kings room and board. In return, they asked if she wanted to come with them on their quest and she turned them down (you know she gave the ol -er, I have to clean the house excuse, cuz nobody wants to join in on a trip with 2 already lost guys. They already stopped and asked for directions once, you know they weren't gonna stop and do that again. But then, she changed her mind AFTER the 3 dudes left and so ended up taking off looking for them and never found them or BJ and so now leaves candies/gifts/coal for the kiddies. But that's not my favorite part of the story...apparently tradition has it that you are are supposed to leave some food and a glass of wine for her (I like cookies and milk, but by the time xmas rolls around I am so burnt out from eating them/having them around- but I never get tired of food or wine!). If little kids see the Befana, she gets all Super Nanny on them - whips out her broom and whacks them upside the head and tells them to get back to into bed. I guess after she gets a little tipsy, she gets a bit violent-but that's okay because apparently, she cleans your house a bit before she leaves, which is good cuz remember I made a mess and broke xmas decorations in my hurry to get ready for her arrival. We are sooooo celebrating just the Befana from now on! You also don't need to get a tree (we are still yanking out pine needles from the floor and roof of the car), you don't need to decorate a tree if you don't have one. no untangling of lights. no getting made fun of because you have Christmas decorations out in April!, it's just a dirty ol' sock, you can just chuck that in the laundry basket as soon as you're done. If that sits there until April, no one will know the difference. And for a scary old broad, she seems way more hip and fun than that old fat guy who leaves gifts, but then eats up all your food, leaves a trail of dust behind and you probably end up having to clean reindeer poop off your lawn. Happy Befana everyone!!!!!

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