Saturday, January 2, 2010


We all decided to meet up to take the kids to this indoor play place that Paola had been to. It was FREEZING both inside and out (the heat hadnt been turned on for a few days due to the place being closed over NY.), but the kids were running around and screaming and so didnt seem to notice.
There was a little area with building blocks to stack up and jump on.
There was a little race track with cars to drive.
Luckily there werent too many kids there because there were only a couple of cars, so the kids could go on as many times as they wanted and for as long as they wanted.

We thought he had found a nice bench and fell asleep,
but Marco was actually reading to the kids.

To warm up we had to play a game of foosball.
(honestly i suck so badly at it, i was just a body to hold 2 sticks, i didnt do anything)

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