Thursday, December 31, 2009

New Years Eve

The Policaro family invited us over to their house to celebrate New Years. It was great fun for the girls because it was like a late night party. I couldnt get Sophia to take a nap today, so I was suprised she stayed up past midnight. Max had to work, so the girls played and then ate dinner, then it was played some more.
This is a game where the winnie the pooh tree blows up leaves and you have to catch them with your net. Apparently the game cannot be done without intensive screaming and then it takes more time to actually pick up the leaves that didnt get caught and put them back into the tree. but of course thats the fun part of it all and the girls enjoyed themselves.The Policaros have a little turtle that squirmish Sophia loved to play with but didn't like to touch. She did all her playing vicariously by picking up Giorgia's hand and tell her what to do with the the turtle.

Max eats the traditional lenticchie and cotechino.

Marco does it too.
The only reason why I am posting this pictures is so that you know what I have to deal with. Max seems to be allergic to taking pictures. I have to ask him to do it, I will give him that he does it semi-willingly, but I swear he is the worst photographer. I dont have to toot, nor do I dislike Paola. I simply asked that he take a picture of Paola, but instead he took a picture of both of us, without telling me. And then of course he didnt redo it or take a better one, he just left it and didnt say anything until it was too late. (while i am on the bitching and whining subject I will also add: it takes him a lifetime to snap the picture and get it 'just right,' by the time he presses the darn button, you've already stopped smiling and even if asked, he wont tell you if your hair is messed up or you have something in your teeth. This is why there are very few pictures of myself that I keep and why Sophia will think she was brought up by a single dad!) It drives me nuts!

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