Wednesday, December 23, 2009

The Day B4 Xmas Eve

Today Valentina came over for a playdate. It was impromptu and I still had lots of things to do, like baking cookies. Luckily I had two good Santa's Helpers!

And the little elves reap their rewards with a little tea party afterwards!

1 comment:

Holly said...

So fun - Ms. Sophia is looking just like a Mini-me! So I need the scoop - I tried to call you the other day but your mobile number just rang... let's hook up on Christmas if you have coverage - we miss you - the kids & Mike ask me all the time how you are doing and I say, "I don't know I haven't heard!" We miss you! I have a present for Ms. Sophia but I'm so sorry I didn't mail it so she won't get it for tomorrow - and I can't yell it down the street for her to get it by Friday :( Miss you tons!!!!! xoxo