Friday, December 18, 2009

Last Minute Tree Decorating

We are soooooo lagging behind this year. I put some of it down to the fact that I was sick, but really most of it is just typical Christmas slacking. We are so late that Ikea didnt have any trees left, luckily Castorama (like Homedepot, but less organized) did. I like Ikea's trees, because you can return it and they give you a gift certificate worth what you paid for the tree to spend inside their store. (even if the tree is dead!). Trees here only come potted or fake, I feel so guilty about the fake trees making the landfills bigger, we usually just get a real one, hold on to it and then try to keep it alive until the next xmas. Of course we end up leaving the decorations on until Easter, forget to water it all the time and it is usally half dead by spring. Anyhoo, Sophia told us we needed to get a real tree this year and not decorate her treehouse again this year.
Hanging up snowmen with Dad.

The proud tree decorator.
Hiding Mommy's tummy in front of the tree.

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