Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Day IV

Moved and down graded to a room upstairs, still private, but not as nice. It's in the actually maternity ward (not one floor below where i was before. i didnt realize the difference. during the 2 hours for visitors the floor is chaotic and abuzz with friends and families checking out the new babies). If I want to leave my room I have to wear a mask and anyone who comes in must do the same, but the masks are not the heavy duty ones like the downstairs hazmat like ones. ( Nurses not as nice here, but I have made a friend with the Filipino one named Josie who brought me upstairs. We bond over flip food-i miss chicken adobo and karekare! I actually feel hungry.) I am feeling slightly better, but havent really eaten much or slept much since friday. The IV antibiotics make me tremor and vomit. Still having a hard time breathing and talking, I wear an oxygen mask when to sleep/when it gets bad. With the mask on and sitting up I can actually doze of here and there.
The nurses are getting ruder, I get mixed opinion on whether or not I can have the oxygen, the doctor put me on the nurse takes me off of it. The doctor has not explained to me what is going on, and Ive also been taken off the antibiotics because they say the tremors and vomiting mean im intolerant. ack! whats going on?

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