Saturday, November 14, 2009

Cough Cough Wheeze Wheeze cont.

Saturday 8am: Can't hold out anymore, going to ER. Will risk that they say same thing as Guardia Medico. We pack up Sophia, throw her into the car, Max drives up to the ER and dumps me out of the car and comes back with Sophia (parking is a bit far). Luckily no one is there and someone looks at me (as soon as he finishes his cigarette outside). Pregant coughing and wheezing- a mask is immediately snapped on my face. Did I mention I cant breath? Well now I really can't breath, but at least I'm not spreading germs (never mind all the sick people waiting).

Saturday 8:15am: Sent inside to emergency obgyn to monitor baby. Baby is fine. Sent into shared room to be observed, blood tests and rehydrated etc. Max and Sophia come in for a little bit, get yelled at because kids shouldnt be in ER. They go home. Around 2 they release me with a prescription of antibiotics, tacchipirina (a tylonol like substance) and some drops to to stick in an aerosol machine to be inhaled.

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