Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Day V

moved and downgraded again. did i mention I have to pay for the tv, every time they move me its an ordeal to have the tv transferred. not that there is anything good on anyways. at least this room is still private, but the bed is getting more and more uncomfortable. This room is a bit colder and drafty, I'm drinking a ton of water. I just got a new a-hole ripped for having drank 3L last night. I drink to stiffle the painful coughs. Now I have to pee in a bedpan and save it.

If one more person tells me it's asthma Im gonna slap them, I'm sure its pneumonia since its not h1n1.

My arms are hating it, I look like a very inexperienced heroince addict. They are full of holes and black and blue. The blood needs to be taken from my wrists but since they are dark and blotchy, you cant see the veins. Today an inexperienced nurse tried to do it, dug the needle around but couldnt find it, it actually made me scream and cry and I have a fairly high tolerance for pain. She actually felt badly. Then a second nurse, without a dose of humility insisted on trying it. This time it was worse and I think she touched a nerve in my hand because i felt a burning sensation there. I went into an asthma attack and she screamed at me for being dramatic. If I could breath i would have told her to shut the F up. Of course she is the same one that is insisting I have asmthma-apparently I only have asthma when you dig a big fat needle around in my arm. Well the third time is a charm- they finally got someone who knows what she is doing. It still hurt like a MF'er but at least it got done. Why do I have a visual of that guy who was sentenced to death by lethal injection, they couldnt find a vein and tried like 18 times and it took 2 hours to die. I used to not have an opinion on it, but I think I'm changing my mind and going with cruel and unusual. At least I can stand up every once in a while, the beds are getting more and more uncomfortable and my ass is starting to hurt- am I actually getting hemorrhoids too? Please, please noooooo!

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