Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Day VI

Moved and down graded again. This time I'm down the hall in a room with 2 other women. the one in the first bed is a a germ-a-phobe. She doesnt say anything to my face, but I can tell by her whispers (and the fact that she and her husband have slapped on masks) to the other woman that she wants to be transferred and away from my germies. Believe me I want to be here less than her, I'd like that first room back please. This bed is worse than before and the room is colder and draftier than the last. At least the girl in the bed next to me seems nice. Im starting to eat again (Max brought oreos) but the food is getting worse. The meatloaf looked and tasted like dog food and I've never had pasta and marinara so horrible in my life. it was like this weird salty sweet chemical taste. I cant eat it. And if you think I'm being melodramatic, so did Max, until I made him taste it. He just lets me complain now. Max has brought melba toast and Im surviving on that. I'm back on the antibiotics but in pill form now, so if I dont eat anything, then I will really be sick. Luckily the phlegm is lessening, but I constantly have a dry tickle in my throat. The girl next to me has already claimed the tv for C'e Posta per Te, I think i wont renew the contract and take up Max on having the laptop here. I know I've missed a weeks worth of dexter, csis, how I met your mother etc. Im also in the middle of journey to the center of the earth, altho its dragging out, im almost halfway thru and they arent even to the center of the earth yet. i feel its an analogy to my stay in the hospital here. not enough food or water, going thru blind tunnel after tunnel, not knowing whats going on and when the hell i will be out of here. i need a distraction!

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