Sunday, November 15, 2009

Hospital Stay Day I

Sunday 10pm: Still can't breath, seems to be getting worse despite having taken the antibiotics 2xs

Sunday 11pm: Still can't breath, hesitant to drag Sophia out of bed, wait in ER to be told to go home and told wait for the antibiotics to kick in. Breathing getting worse. etc, etc until:

Sunday 2am: Okay I think Im going to die, have been dressed for last hour, wake Max, shove jacket on Sophia, Max dumps me out of car at ER waits in car with Sophia. Re-explain situation (no mask this time, despite the fact that I am worse) and am taken into emergency obgyn to monitor baby. Baby is fine, I am scooted out of obgyn asap because there is another emergency obgyn. I didnt have time to put on my shoes and am left standing outside the obgyn door in the hallway. Find out that im waiting to see an internal medicine dr.

Sunday 2:30am: Still waiting outside obgyn door, sit on floor to put on shoes properly and also because I can't stand up anymore.

Sunday 2:40am: Nurse passes by and yells at me for sitting on the floor and someone gets a gurney for me to sit on. and after 5 minutes I am sent into the Internal Med observation room. More blood tests. Re-explain situation for the third time (did i mention i cant breath, well to talk you need to be able to breath). New battery of blood tests, sent into another observation room to breath oxygen and cortesone. Send Max and Sophia (who are still waiting in the car) home. Sent into another room observation room by drafty window. Slowly the room begins to fill with sick people and their families people.

Later Sunday morning: Drafty window is giving me a sore shoulder and making cough worse, try to move bed away from window. but every couple of hours i need to return to have the baby monitored and the bed is back under the drafty window. During one of the baby monitorings, (where i have to retell again what the hell is wrong with me), somebody actually asked the right question and they suspect h1n1-so apparently I need to wait until a room opens up in maternity and I will be moved upstairs-they don't know when that will be but will find out around noon)-obviously noon passes. I am given a whole heck of a lot of antibiotics. I cant remember when, but Max comes around at sometime and brings me water and some cookies from the vending machine. Water and dressing gowns are not given out in the hospitals here. btw, There are a lot of old people who need there Depends changed, and all the diapers are being thrown away in the bathroom garbage that does not have a cover, it smells horrific. I am the only one who is actually peeing in the bathroom. This last trip, I just knocked out the current to the whole room when I flicked on the light. I hope I dont kill anyone on a breathing apparatus.

Sunday 2pm: lunch comes, it's actually not horrible pasta pomodoro, some sort of roast and overcooked carrots. altho i dont eat much because im still feeling sick. I'm not drinking anything because the bathroom situation is just getting worse, i have to suck in what little breath I can hold, keep the door open a crack and pee in the reeking dark. HELP! people are released, im still not moved, but a new load of crazies start coming in, including: the old deaf lady next to me and her son that reeks of cologne and a constant ring of his nokia telephone....da da da da, da da da da daaaaaaa and what I think is an old man with a mega alto voice or if its an old lady with a manish voice, with his/her son. they bicker and belittle each other constantly. Please let them move me soon or somebody come and just put me out of my misery, this whole situation is just getting worse. If I survive I will be sicker than when I came in.

Sunday 3pm: upstairs to maternity to do the baby monitoring (having some contractions due to all the coughing). Must wear mask again due to where I am-which is stuck in a passage way between the delivery area and the waiting area. drs passing thru constantly and woman in her 7th month already having bad contractions, crying in pain. I feel horrible for her. As she gets worse, I'm shipped back out to the cold waiting area for another 30 minutes. Crap I need to pee soon. On the way back I see that the falsetto belongs to a mozzarella bellied old man and his son (who could pass as his twin) who are still bickering and insulting each other. the old man has peed himself (and has no diaper on) and the insults are really flying now. It's almost comedic.

Sunday 4:30pm: wahooo someone's come to take me away ha ha ho ho hee hee. OMG someone please pass the bleach i need to burn this out of my corneas: the old mozzarella man is sitting buck-naked on the toilet and his son is prancing around holding the old guys gigantic tighty-whities and throwing insults-all with the bathroom door wide open because a new light still hasnt been placed in the bathroom. and now the smell from the bathroom is just overwhelming. i should have kept the mask on. I would totally laugh if I could breath!

Sunday4:35pm, wow the room is nice-must be for private patients. I'm in isolation with a paper sign on the front announcing please keep the door closed and the only people who visit me slap on masks and gloves, do their biz and get the hell out.

Sunday 5:30pmMax comes to visit baring water and a bag full of jammies, tissues for all the phlegm im coughing up and extra undies and such. Poor guy I havent cleaned since I've been sick and the whole house is topsy turvy- its a wonder how he found anything (okay yes, im not actually wearing jammies, im wearing sweats and he only found a swimsuit bottom and some maternity undies that are gigantic and yet somehow too small, but at least its something!). He even brought me sudoku and a pen!

Sunday 6pm: Dinner is served-wow didnt i just finish with lunch? Hmmm, bland but not horrific, not too hungry anyways. Ah well at least there is crappy tv with a movie channel. And I brought my MP3, I finished off most of This Side of Paradise in the ER. The last few chapters I finish in here and have started on to Pride and Prejudice.

The nurses work their asses off here. I don't know who is who but all the nurses take blood, distribute meds, attach phlebos, change bedsheets, etc etc. And they are really nice, esp as compared to Melloni.

They won't know if I have H1N1 until tomorrow. Havent slept in 24 hours, doubt I will sleep tonight either.

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